We have had quite a bit of activity and all good. As we have reworked how we'll offer to the community, we changed the Conclave Room into a maker studio. Currently, we have 3d printers and a very excellent resin workspace. Plan to build it out further and incorporate laser cutting and etching, and we put in a photo space and a podcast station.
The Temple of Remembrance build has started, permits acquired, and we are excitedly working with our local fire department to ensure we do everything respectfully, safely, and with the utmost attention to detail. Building a lasting relationship so we evolve this over the years is a great. The temple will be for those who are no longer with us and for those we wish to honor. We have created butterflies for purchase and fundraising, and which can then be placed into the temple. Along with poems, pictures, or other memories. We burn the temple together on the 20th of November as a bonfire. See our projects page for more details and to purchase butterflies to support this endeavor.
The solarium has a new polycarbonate roof and a fancy new commercial door, so it feels more...professional and inviting. Coffee shop is restarting and the bio dome is in full orchid bloom and just gorgeous.
We had an amazing community-led clothing giveaway for women and children and we are taking more of what we have to Global Lounge to give their community items. Such a nice thing that one of our members has done.